Before and After

Dr. Kim Mai of Mai Orthodontics is proud to be one of Southern Nevada's most qualified orthodontic specialists.  Due to his experience with Invisalign, Dr. Mai is also an Invisalign preferred provider.  Just see for yourself!

Incredible results and inspiring journeys; see some of our patients' before and after photos next time you visit our practice.  These wonderful transformations are ACTUAL PATIENTS TREATED under Dr. Mai's care.  If you are searching for the best orthodontist in Las Vegas for braces or invisalign, then we always recommend asking for original before and after treatment photos of patients with all different types of malocclusion (bad bites) to demonstrate your orthodontist's skill level.

Notice we provide before and after photographs true to the american board of orthodontics format.* Considered the gold standard of quality care.

From every possible view and angle (right side, left side, front, upper and lower views) all teeth should be perfectly straight and have good heathly bites. What is a bad bite?  Well bad bites also known as malocclusion can be hard to detect, however good bites can be easy to see if you know what you are looking for.  Good bites have all upper and lower teeth in contact, no gaps, and should interdigitate or interlock like the fingers of two clasped hands.  You will see this relationship  from the side view in all of the after or post treated photos below.  Heathly bites feel better and function better when chewing or speaking.

Before and after photos only showing front teeth are misleading.  

Front view photos may look straight however can hide bad bites (poor fit of upper and lower teeth) and buck teeth (upper teeth too forward) that can only be detected with side view photos.  For educational purposes, some examples are provided below.

Before and after Invisalign and Braces Treatment

Crossbite & Underbite Patient 1

before and after

before and after

Crossbite & Underbite Patient 2

before and after

before and after

Crooked Teeth Patient 1

before and after

before and after

Crooked Teeth Patient 2

before and after before and after

Crooked Teeth Patient 3

before and after

before and after

Impacted Teeth Patient

Impacted Canines or teeth that are trapped in the mouth are one of the most difficult cases a specialist will treat.  Dr. Mai's unique method is easy and comfortable.

before and after before and after

Patient of the above x-rays pictured below after double canine impaction correction.  Certified Results.

before and after


Spacing & Gaps Patient 1

before and after

before and after

Spacing & Gaps Patient 2

before and after

before and after

Spacing & Gaps Patient 3

before and after before and after

Openbite Patient

before and afterbefore and after

Openbite, Forward Upper Teeth, & Narrow Upper Jaw Patient

before and afterbefore and after

(*Update: photos modified to follow current HIPPA regulations.  Patients depicted in photos above provided their consent to display pictures for educational purposes.  Each patient is unique and results may vary.  Please contact us if you have any questions.  Reproduction or copying any of the photos is strictly prohibited.)

American Association Of OrthodontistsAmerican Board of Orthodontics Board CertifiedAmerican Dental AssociationInvisalign